Recreating the Night of the Living Dead Cemetery Scene
During our recent trip to Monster Bash, we took an excursion to the Evans City Cemetery where the opening scene from Night of the Living Dead (1968) was filmed. We painstakingly attempted to recreate some of the scene’s iconic images, with (as you can see) mixed results. While most of the gravestones remain the same after nearly 50 years, the landscape has definitely changed.
Barbra (Jonathan Angarola) searches the cemetery for her (his) father’s grave:
Barbara (Jonathan Angarola) and Johnny (Richard Chamberlain) place flowers on their father’s grave:
In the distance, a zombie (Richard Chamberlain) lurks:
Distraught, Barbra (Richard Chamberlain) grabs onto a gravestone:
Barbra runs toward the car for protection…
…but she/he (Jeff Owens) falls to the ground, losing a shoe: